Display Advertising
A display ad has to catch the reader's attention in an instant, whether it's printed on the pages of a glossy magazine or it appears on a banner in the magazine's online version. And it has to deliver its entire message at a glance if you’re using an out-of-home medium like a billboard or a transit ad. Redemann Creative will bring decades of experience and a fresh, contemporary attitude to your display advertising efforts. We know how to create smart, focused, attention-grabbing ads and ad campaigns that will get you results – and we have the experience to prove it.
Contact us for bright ideas on how you can start saving money and seeing results right away.
Roche – “We Understand”
print campaign
According to detailed market research, managers of medical laboratories feel ignored. Thus, global medical equipment manufacturer Roche Diagnostics decided to position itself as the supplier that listens to lab managers and works with them to build smart solutions to their problems.
Based on this strategy, Dave Redemann crafted a series of empathetic three-word headlines and simple, sparse copy that revealed Roche’s deep understanding of lab managers’ concerns. These served as anchors for the stunning branding campaign shown here, which features sweeping, surreal visual metaphors.
Instrumentarium – “Pioneers”
print campaign
Instrumentarium Dental is a pioneer in the X-ray field, having invented the original ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH panoramic imager. So when the company wanted to set itself apart from a commoditized field of competitors, it was only natural to base the campaign on its rich heritage.
Hence, Dave Redemann concepted and wrote the outstanding “Salute to Pioneers” campaign, which placed Instrumentarium in some very legendary company. It included the three print ads pictured here, as well as three postcards, all targeted at dentists and dental clinics throughout the United States.
Donside – “Native Plants”
print campaign
When Scottish paper giant Donside launched a new line of premium paper with recycled content in the United States, the company knew it would be important to make a big impact with environmentally-minded designers and creative directors.
So, turning to his native Midwest for inspiration, Dave Redemann developed a series of posters for Donside featuring native plants and their oddball names. By juxtaposing snarky headlines with gorgeous photos of prairie flora, these posters drew attention to the fine paper stock upon which they were printed.